Weather Cancellation Policy
The Geneva Park District Weather Policy outlines how programs will be affected during inclement weather.
For programs held on days when school is in session, if Geneva School District 304 cancels school or adjusts their learning format to remote learning due to inclement weather, programs will be affected as follows:
- Programs starting before 12:00pm and Kids’ Zone and Friendship Station Preschool will be cancelled.
- For programs starting between 12:00pm and before 4:00pm, a decision will be made by approximately 11:00am.
- For programs starting 4:00pm or after, a decision will be made by approximately 3:00pm.
Program cancellations will be posted on our website and directly communicated with program participants via email and/or phone.
If Geneva School District 304 calls for a late start due to inclement weather, programs will be affected as follows:
- Programs starting before 10:00am will be cancelled. Classes beginning 10:00am or after will be held as normal.
- Friendship Station Preschool morning only classes will be cancelled; students attending both morning and afternoon classes will have the carline start at 10:30am; afternoon only classes will be held as normal.
For programs held on days when school is not in session, program cancellations will be posted on our website and directly communicated with program participants via email and/or phone.
Weather related cancellations, closures, and field conditions will be listed on the RainOut Line. To receive this information by text, email, or app, click on the “Email & Text Alerts” link located on the left side of the page to subscribe. You can manage your text and/or email subscriptions by selecting categories and establishing the length of time you want to receive notifications. You may also access this information by calling 630-206-1174.
For All Star Sports program cancellations, please call 630-584-2961.
Why Do We Close Fields?
For the safety of participants, coaches, and officials, as well as the facilities themselves, the Park District occasionally has to close fields, courts, and other facilities due to conditions caused by weather or other unexpected emergencies. Decisions made by the Park District in regards to facility and field closures are final. Coaches, referees, officials, and organizations using our fields must practice good judgment and cancel practices and games when fields are closed and should exit fields when conditions deteriorate to a point where the safety of participants or damage to the field is likely. Some examples of conditions requiring field closure include:
- Standing puddles of water on the field
- Ground is water logged and squishy
- A footstep leaves an impression in the turf
- Grass is easily dislodged from the ground
- Field is frozen
- Lightning
Geneva Park District Lightning Policy
We understand that cancelling a game because of a wet field can be frustrating, but it is important that all people using our fields understand that being cautious during marginal conditions will ensure that the field is more likely to remain in a playable condition for the rest of the season.