Egg-Mazing Race & Twilight Egg Hunt April 8, 2022 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Get your friends together and create teams of 4. Teams will complete various physical and mental challenges in order to solve clues and find the bunny hiding somewhere in the park. Be one of the first teams to finish, and you will win fabulous prizes — including gift certificates to local businesses!
After the Egg-Mazing Race, participants will be able to take part in a night-time egg hunt! Eggs filled with prizes and candy will be scattered around the park. Collect as many eggs as you can before they are all gone!
Please note: teams may need to have a device (cell phone) with the QR reader downloaded to it to participate.
This event is held rain or shine, so please dress appropriately for the weather!
Don’t wait, pre-registration is required! On-site registration will not be permitted.
All COVID-19 Guidelines will be followed.
Registration Fees: $5 residents ($8 N/R)