Membership Options
Membership Options

BestLife Fitness offers affordable gym memberships! Our two fitness center locations are open to Geneva Park District residents and non-residents.

We encourage you to live your BestLife today!

To become a BestLife Fitness member, please visit the Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center or the Sunset Community Center in person.

Gold Membership

Gold Memberships include membership to BOTH of our BestLife full-service fitness centers: Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center AND Sunset Community Center.

MEMBERSHIP RATES – Effective June 1, 2024.
MembershipMonthly Ongoing* GOLDPaid-in Full* GOLD
Adult$36 (N/R $49)$367 (N/R $493)
Couple$54 (N/R $73)$539 (N/R $727)
Family$69 (N/R $93)$700 (N/R $948)
Youth$30 (N/R $40)$292 (N/R $396)
Senior$30 (N/R $41)$299 (N/R $407)

SPRC Membership

SPRC Memberships include membership to BestLife Fitness at the Stephen D. Persinger Recreation Center.

MEMBERSHIP RATES – Effective June 1, 2024.
MembershipMonthly Ongoing* SPRCPaid-in Full* SPRC
Adult$31 (N/R $42)$317 (N/R $428)
Couple$46 (N/R $63)$462 (N/R $624)
Family$59 (N/R $79)$597 (N/R $805)
Youth$25 (N/R $34)$254 (N/R $341)
Senior$23 (N/R $31)$217 (N/R $292)

Sunset Membership

Sunset Memberships include membership to BestLife Fitness at the Sunset Community Center.

MEMBERSHIP RATES – Effective June 1, 2024
MembershipMonthly Ongoing* SUNSETPaid-in Full* SUNSET
Adult$26 (NR $39)$265 (NR $388)
Couple$38 (NR $53)$382 (NR $517)
Family$48 (NR $63)$497 (NR $635)
Youth$17 (NR $28)$176 (NR $287)
Senior$19 (NR $29)$180 (NR $279)

Membership Fee Information
  • All memberships require an initial one-year commitment.
  • Paid in full memberships are an annual commitment at the time of purchase, however they do not auto renew.
  • An ongoing membership is a membership paid monthly using a credit or debit card that auto renews until an ongoing membership cancellation form is completed, after the one-year initial commitment.
  • Members may upgrade to a higher-level membership at any time during its term. The remaining value of your present membership will be deducted from the new membership rate.
  • Memberships are not transferable.
  • Proof of residency is required to receive the resident rate. 
Membership Information
  • Adult membership is for ages 18-59 years.
  • Youth membership is for ages 14-17 years.
  • Senior membership is for ages 60 years and older
  • Couple membership is for any two individuals in the same household account. One member must be 18 years or older.
    • Adult children ages 18-23 years, must be full-time students and proof of enrollment must be provided upon request.
  • Family membership is for three or more individuals in the same household account. One family member must be 18 years or older.
    • Adult children ages 18-23 years, must be full-time students and proof of enrollment must be provided upon request.

Geneva Park District household accounts shall not have more than 2 adults over the age of 23. In the event that more than 2 adults, over the age of 23, reside at the same address, each additional adult shall have their own household account. This includes, but is not limited to, adult children over the age of 23, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc.

Fitness Center Usage Policy
  • Youth ages 11 years and under are not permitted in the fitness center at any time.
  • While in the fitness center, youth ages 12-13 years must be supervised and in the immediate vicinity of an adult 18 years or older at all times.
  • Members must be 14 years or older to use the fitness center unsupervised.
  • Youth ages 8 years and older may use the track at SPRC. Ages 8-12 years must be directly supervised by a member age 16 years or older at all times.
  • Youth ages 15 years and under must be directly supervised by an adult 18 years or older when using the racquetball courts at Sunset. 
Corporate Membership

Corporate membership options are available at both fitness facilities. Please contact the Customer Service Manager at either facility for fees and options. Bulk corporate pricing options are available!